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Real Estate Australia

Real Estate Australia


Property Location: Lot 31 Arborthree Road Glenwood - 0 - QLD

Listing Id: 21370010  


Size: 5.75 Hectare Approx  

Description: Discover your private paradise with this 14.2 acre gem in the heart of Glenwood-a perfect blend of seclusion and opportunity! Whether you're dreaming of a cozy country lifestyle with ponies or a few adorable lambs, this is your chance to create your ideal retreat.

This property features a spacious shed already in place, plus ample room to design and build your dream home. Nestled in a tranquil, private setting with a lush tree boundary on one side and untouched vacant land on the other, you'll enjoy unmatched peace and privacy.

While part of the land is flood-affected, approximately 5 acres of higher ground offer a prime location for your future home. Use the remaining space to ensure your privacy and distance from neighbours. I have detailed maps highlighting the high ground-just reach out via call or email, and I'll send you all the information you need straight to your inbox.

Imagine an off-grid sanctuary where you're truly away from it all! With Glenwood's proximity to Gympie and the upcoming bypass, your commute will soon be effortless. Seize this exceptional opportunity to own a generous slice of land at an unbeatable price and watch your investment flourish. Don't miss out-contact me today!

We do not accept responsibility for the accuracy of any information. Interested parties should make their own enquiries in order to determine the accuracy of this information. Intending purchasers should seek legal and accounting advice before entering into any contract of sale.


Contact Tom Grady Real Estate Today!!!

Contact Vikki Young
Phone 0498117081

Property ID:21370010
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