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Real Estate Australia

Real Estate Australia

$570 per week Weekly
Available NOW


Property Location: 12 Liberty Court MORAYFIELD - - QLD

Listing Id: R3655167  


Bedrooms: 4    Bathrooms: 1    Garages: 2   


Size: 676 Square Mtr Approx  

> Low set brick home
> Master bedroom with built in robe and ensuite
> 2 Bedrooms with built in robes
> Open plan kitchen with electric cooking and plenty of storage
> Separate dining
> Air conditioned lounge room
> Separate living room
> Ceiling fans throughout
> Internal laundry
> Security screens
> Fully fenced yard with side access
> Outdoor patio
> Garden shed
> Close to parks and public transport

Water charges apply and are payable by the tenant.
Telephone and internet lines are at the cost of the tenant.
Please contact service providers for the area if required prior to applying for the property.

Additional special terms apply for this property including no smoking inside and pets are considered on application.

The fastest and easiest way to apply for this property is through realestate.com.au using the apply online feature on our website.
Before applying online for one of our rental properties you or a representative MUST view the property and you are required to register for the open home scheduled.

All applications submitted to Richardson & Wrench Caboolture for this described property are subject to being verified via the TICA database. More details regarding these searches can be provided to the applicant upon request

$570 per week Weekly - Available NOW

Contact Richardson & Wrench Caboolture Today!!!

Contact RandW Rentals
Phone (07)54989800

Property ID:R3655167
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