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Real Estate Australia

Modern Apartment With Double Garage In Maroochydore CBD
$820 per week Weekly
Available: 12/09/2024


Property Location: 801/9 Market Lane MAROOCHYDORE - - QLD

Listing Id: R3659118  


Bedrooms: 3    Bathrooms: 2    Garages: 2   

Description: The near-new 'Market Lane Residences' offers an incredibly comfortable and modern design complimented with a rooftop terrace and pool.

Sitting proudly at level 8, you can enjoy the views and balance between indoor-outdoor living with the generously sized balcony, right in time for warmer weather! This unit offers two secure underground car spaces so there is no compromise of lifestyle moving so closer to the CBD.

Spacious kitchen with plenty of storage, adjacent to the dining & living area. The master bedroom boasts floor to ceiling windows, truly capturing the bright and spacious world nestled around this beautiful corner of the Sunshine Coast.

Features include:
- Air conditioning in the master bedroom & living
- Spacious kitchen with large fridge cavity
- Dining leading out to the balcony
- North east facing views from the lounge & master
- Laundry room with generous shelving, away from main living
- Master bedroom with ensuite & walk in wardrobe
- Additional bedrooms with ocean glimpses & great size wardrobes
- Main bathroom with shower & bathtub, close to one bedroom
- Two secure underground carparks
- Rooftop pool & BBQ area exclusive to residents

LEASE until 20/02/2025 with the option to renew at market price

*Pets considered on application

* Water Compliant tenants will be charged for water usage

*Tenants are responsible for maintaining the garden

PETS: Current legislation requires tenants to get written permission in their tenancy agreement to have a pet in their rental property and stipulates they are also responsible for any damage to the property caused by their pets. The special terms can also stress that tenants have the property fumigated and the carpets cleaned when their tenancy is up. An Owner still has a right to decline a pet request even when this legislation comes into play however, they must provide a reason.

TO APPLY: We accept applications via 2Apply. You will be sent an email straight after your inspection with a property-specific link that will allow you to apply via 2Apply.

**INTERNET: As all properties can be different, please contact your internet provider to find out more information regarding internet access at this property. Please note, owners are not required to ensure there is an active line available so tenants may have to seek alternative internet arrangements where a connection is unavailable.

Modern Apartment With Double Garage In Maroochydore CBD
$820 per week Weekly - Available 12/09/2024

Contact Ray White Maroochydore Today!!!

Contact Eliza Fisher
Phone 0406423411

Property ID:R3659118
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