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Real Estate Australia

Luxury Beachside Living!
$895 Per Week - Brand New Unit! Weekly
Available NOW

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Property Location: 2/39 Fifth Avenue MAROOCHYDORE - - QLD

Listing Id: R3557275  


Bedrooms: 3    Bathrooms: 2    Garages: 2   

Description: Discover the Unparalleled Elegance of Cove Apartments

This beautiful unit boasts a striking and contemporary design that stands out with its unique style. These boutique luxury apartments offer sophisticated, modern, and spacious retreats that captivate the senses with beautiful natural light and refreshing sea breezes.

Embodying style and luxury, Cove presents an exceptional level of resident amenities within an exquisite boutique complex of just six apartments.

Just moments from the surf beach, river mouth, Maroochydore CBD, Sunshine Coast Airport, award-winning restaurants, cafes, entertainment, and breathtaking beaches.

Features you'll love:
- East-facing, three-bedroom apartment with 2.5 bathrooms
- Boutique luxury building comprising only six apartments
- Separate dining area with open-plan living spaces leading to a spacious, sun-drenched terrace
- Master bedroom with full en-suite and spacious walk-in robe
- Stylish, integrated gourmet kitchen with expansive stone benchtops, European appliances and ample storage
- Hybrid time flooring
- Ducted air conditioning and ceiling fans throughout
- Double lock up garage, secured by remote gate
- Property is unfurnished

Seamlessly combines luxurious design elements with the relaxed lifestyle of its prime location, making it a truly stunning place to call home.

** Please note; virtual staging has been used in some of the photos

TO APPLY: We accept applications via 2Apply. You will be sent an email straight after your inspection with a property-specific link that will allow you to apply via 2Apply.

**As all properties can be different, please contact your internet provider to find out more information regarding internet access at this property. Please note, owners are not required to ensure there is an active line available so tenants may have to seek alternative internet arrangements where a connection is unavailable.

Luxury Beachside Living!
$895 Per Week - Brand New Unit! Weekly - Available NOW

Contact Ray White Maroochydore Today!!!

Contact Tahnee Fagan
Phone 0429818519

Contact Leilani Purchase
Phone 0456835814

Property ID:R3557275
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