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Real Estate Australia

Real Estate Australia

Neat Large 3 Bedroom Brick Home with Great Water.!!

Property Location: 11 Short KUMBIA - - QLD

Listing Id: L29737307  


Bedrooms: 3    Bathrooms: 2    Garages: 2   


Size: 1012 Square Mtr Approx  

Description: This spacious brick home surprises with its generous size, featuring 3 bedrooms each equipped with built-in cupboards, dressing tables, carpets, and ample lighting.

The heart of the home is its central kitchen, seamlessly connecting to a dedicated dining area and a second living space. The kitchen boasts an electric oven and plenty of storage.

The main lounge area is expansive and tastefully furnished, ideal for relaxation and entertainment.

Additional highlights include:
• A dedicated ironing room with a "robin hood" setup, and
• A versatile office or hobby room located towards the rear of the house.

The main bathroom offers both a separate shower and bath, with an additional shower and toilet for added convenience.
A cozy wood fireplace graces the second living area, ensuring warmth during cooler months.
At the rear of the home, an enclosed breezeway leads to a double car shed and workshop, complete with ample power points and storage options.
Outdoor living is enhanced by two entertaining areas: one facing east for year-round enjoyment amidst beautiful gardens, and another facing south with picturesque rural views.

There is a garden shed, a 10,000-gallon rainwater tank (approx.), supplemented by town water and an electrically equipped bore system for flexible water usage.
The fully fenced backyard boasts meticulously maintained gardens that reflect the care of the current owners.

Conveniently located, the property is approximately 270 meters from the local school, butcher shop, service station, and hotel, with a full-time police officer stationed nearby.
Additional features such as a near-new roof, security screens, downlights, ample storage, and friendly neighbors complete this inviting package.

Situated approximately 24 kilometers from the bustling town of Kingaroy, this home offers a perfect blend of tranquility and convenience.
For more information or to schedule a viewing, contact John Allery on 0427 376 993.

Neat Large 3 Bedroom Brick Home with Great Water.!!

Contact Raine & Horne Kingaroy Today!!!

Contact John Allery
Phone 0427376993

Property ID:L29737307
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