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Real Estate Australia

Real Estate Australia

Tidy Townhouse
$320 per week Weekly
Available NOW


Property Location: 4/4 Tuite Street KINGAROY - - QLD

Listing Id: R3655580  


Bedrooms: 2    Bathrooms: 1   

Description: This 2 bedroom townhouse is close to town & walking distance to Swickers.
-There are 2 bedrooms, both with built-in cupboards & air conditioning
- Open plan living with kitchen/dining & lounge
- Bathroom with shower, vanity & toilet
- Carport
Contact Raine & Horne Kingaroy to arrange an application for preapproval before viewing.

Tidy Townhouse
$320 per week Weekly - Available NOW

Contact Raine & Horne Kingaroy Today!!!

Contact Kaitlyn Fairbrother
Phone 41622144

Property ID:R3655580
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