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Real Estate Australia

Real Estate Australia

Immaculate opportunity


Property Location: 4 MURRAY PARADE KINGAROY - - QLD

Listing Id: L22919527  


Bedrooms: 3    Bathrooms: 1   


Size: 1040 Square Mtr Approx  

Description: Immaculately presented, this stunning three-bedroom home is situated on a private 1,040m2 allotment and would rent for a generous $480+ per/wk.

Previously renovated from internal paint, flooring, cabinetry, all new plumbing, electrical, and quality fixtures and fittings. Externally the home has been painted to suit the modern colour pallet of the interior design.

Internally featuring three bedrooms with built-in sliding wardrobes, new carpet, lighting and fans. The bathroom has been completely stripped with a new shower, vanity, tiles, fixture, fitting and toilet.

Tucked in the middle of the home the fully equipped kitchen has all the essentials including a dishwasher, ceramic cooktop, oven, subway tiles and ample cabinetry. Close by is the long dining area and at the opposite end of the house is the living with new a/c

Landscaped with established gardens, the outdoors has been levelled for easy access around the home. There is a double carport with a storage lockup at the front of the block.

Immaculate opportunity

Contact Raine & Horne Kingaroy Today!!!

Contact Naomi Huskisson
Phone 0417495956

Property ID:L22919527
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