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Real Estate Australia

Real Estate Australia

3 Bedroom Chamferboard Home in Great Position!!


Property Location: 18 Jubilee KINGAROY - - QLD

Listing Id: L29586736  


Bedrooms: 3    Bathrooms: 1    Garages: 1   


Size: 809 Square Mtr Approx  

Description: Located in the Quiet Jubilee street this property is empty and could be moved in to straight away.
The chamferboard home has a good sized lounge dining area with polished floor boards and gas heater.

There are 2 bedrooms located at one end of the home ,one of which has carpet the other has polished floor boards.
The third bedroom is located at the other end of the home ,this bedroom has an office/parents retreat or dressing room connecting to the bedroom.

Both the kitchen and the bathroom are original.
There is a second shower located in the laundry at the rear of the home.

There is a porch at the front of the home and an undercover area at the rear of the home.

There is a good shed measuring approx 6 metres by 3.5 metres that is lockable.
There is a carport attached to the home.

The rear of the property is fenced.

Rent appraisal is $450 per week.

Call John Allery on 0427 376 993 for an inspection.

3 Bedroom Chamferboard Home in Great Position!!

Contact Raine & Horne Kingaroy Today!!!

Contact John Allery
Phone 0427376993

Property ID:L29586736
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