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Real Estate Australia

Real Estate Australia

Opportunity only knocks once.
For Sale


Property Location: 79 John Street Caboolture South - - QLD

Listing Id: 66874239-c8fe-4a87-bca7-aab3f6  


Bedrooms: 3    Bathrooms: 1    Garages: 1   


Size: 405 Square Mtr Approx  

Description: Welcome to a future filled with potential. Whether you're buying your first home or expanding your property portfolio, this 3-bedroom residence presents a remarkable opportunity. Freshly painted and centrally located in the heart of Caboolture, this home is within easy reach of shopping centers, medical facilities, and public transport.

Inside, you'll find three spacious bedrooms, two with ceiling fans and new carpet. The kitchen offers ample cupboard and bench space, catering perfectly to family needs. The generous lounge room includes ceiling fans and an air conditioner, providing comfort throughout the year. The practical bathroom features a full-sized bath and vanity, adding to the home's appeal.

Outside, the property boasts a welcoming street presence with a single carport and a long driveway, ideal for driveway cricket matches. The secure, private backyard is sun-filled and includes a garden shed for additional storage.

This is an opportunity to add your personal touch and improve the property further. Contact Aisha or David on 0409 255 756 to secure your private inspection today.

Potential Rental $440 - $475 per week.

Disclaimer: Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information herein, no warranty is given by the agent, agency or vendor as to their accuracy. Interested parties should not rely on this information as representations of fact but must instead satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise. Areas, amounts, measurements, distances and all other numerical information is approximate only.

Opportunity only knocks once.
For Sale

Contact RE/MAX Advanced Today!!!

Contact David Wereszczuk
Phone 0409255255

Contact Aisha Waver
Phone 0409255255

Property ID:66874239-c8fe-4a87-bca7-aab3f6
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