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Real Estate Australia

Real Estate Australia

Fully furnished unit across from beach
$620 per week Weekly
Available NOW


Property Location: 2/112 Alexandra Parade ALEXANDRA HEADLAND - - QLD

Listing Id: R3343216  


Bedrooms: 2    Bathrooms: 1   

Description: This fully furnished unit is in a prime location , directly across the road from Alexandra Headlands beach , cafes and restaurants!

Features :

* Fully furnished throughout
* 2 good size bedrooms
* Open plan living area opens out to balcony
* Well appointed kitchen with plenty of drawers and cupboards for storage
* Timber look flooring throughout
* Pool in complex
* Please note garage not included
* Short term lease - from 5th August to mid December only .

**************************** Please register your interest via enquiry button as inspection times subject to change without notice *******************

Fully furnished unit across from beach
$620 per week Weekly - Available NOW

Contact Ray White Mountain Creek Today!!!

Contact Property Management
Phone 0432119630

Property ID:R3343216
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