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Property Location: 44 Hall Road MOTHAR MOUNTAIN - - QLD

Listing Id: L29037378  


Bedrooms: 4    Bathrooms: 1    Garages: 2   


Size: 5559 Square Mtr Approx  

Description: Auction On-Site Thursday, 22nd August 2024

Discover the potential of this prime property zoned Medium Impact Industry, offering seamless access to the Bruce Highway. Ideal for commercial or industrial use, it's perfect for a home-based business. This property presents a rare opportunity for a lucky buyer to utilize it for various purposes.

Property Highlights:
Substantial Land Size: Spanning 5,559 square meters (nearly 1.5 acres), providing ample space for diverse uses and developments.
Solid Four-Bedroom Home: Featuring fresh paint, ceiling fans, and a solid structure. The remaining work involves final touches and interior decoration, allowing you to infuse your style and vision.
Two Separate Living Areas: Perfect for versatile living arrangements.
Powered Three-Bay Shed: Measuring 12 x 6 meters with an additional side carport.
13kw Solar System: Energy-efficient and eco-friendly.
Garden Shed: 6 x 3 meter garden shed with power.
Expansive Outdoor Space: Large 14 x 4 meter undercover deck and veranda, perfect for outdoor entertaining.
Rainwater Storage: 13,000-gallon rainwater storage capacity.
The sellers are highly motivated and ready to meet the current market, making this an exceptional opportunity for prospective buyers.

Auction Details:
Date: Thursday, 22nd August 2024
Time: 11:00 AM
Location: On-site

Contact Information:
Michael Chalmers: 0478 141 951 or Georgia Preston: 0417 166 097

Don't miss out on this chance to acquire a property with immense potential and transform it into your dream home or business venture!

Inspection Disclaimer:
This property is not a public place and is someone's home, investment, or private property. Ray White will and has the right to properly qualify all potential purchasers who apply for an inspection and reserve all rights to refuse said inspection without explanation. Animals are not welcome at inspections whatsoever, to ensure the health and safety of our staff, along with the occupants within the home and the general public. Please note that under no circumstances, is anyone authorised to enter the property without the supervision of a Ray White representative.

Information Disclaimer:
Although Ray White Gympie has provided all information related to this property to the best of our knowledge and resources, we shall not be held accountable or responsible for its accuracy. Ray White Gympie urges all buyers to conduct their own independent research and consult their own professionals to conduct due diligence before purchasing.


Contact Ray White Rural Gympie Today!!!

Contact Michael Chalmers
Phone 0478141951

Contact Georgia Preston
Phone 0417166097

Property ID:L29037378
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